all postcodes in L69 / BOOTLE

find any address or company within the L69 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L69 4PL 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4PQ 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4PS 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4QP 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4RB 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4RG 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4WY 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4WZ 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4XL 1 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4LP 0 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4LL 1 53.380314 -2.976431
L69 4XF 1 1 53.380332 -2.976431